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What is MARPOL Regulation?

来源:未知   作者:admin    发布时间: 2018-01-10 23:15   浏览: 标签: 车用尿素  

What is MARPOL Regulation?

What is MARPOL Regulation?

MARPOL (shortened Marine Pollution) is one of IMO’s conventions that focus on preventing different forms of marine pollution including oil, noxious liquid substances, harmful substances, waste water, garbage and emissions of sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide at sea. Mandatory limitations on NOx being released on the atmosphere are under MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 13. The regulation affects not only ships from signatory states but ships entering MARPOL signatory-members’ waters.

When and where will MARPOL Regulation be effective?

International Maritime Organization did not only assign limits on SOx, NOx and Particulate matters but the specialized UN agency also defines Emission Control Areas (ECA) where the emission standards will apply (as proposed and agreed by the member states). Included in these areas are the Baltic Sea (2006) and North Sea (2007). In 2010, IMO officially designated waters in North American coasts which include waters adjacent to the Pacific coast, the Atlantic/Gulf coast extending to 200 nautical miles from US coast as part of ECA. Waters around Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are just recently designated by IMO as part of ECA but the standards will be effective on 2014. Norway, Japan and Mediterranean areas are being considered for further ECA proposal.

Emission Control Areas (ECA) Map
Source: EPA.gov